What Is the Match %?

The match percentage is a great way to gauge if a recruit is a potential fit for your program. Similar to you (college coaches), NCSA student-athletes have the ability to set personal preferences for their college search. As part of the process to complete their recruiting profile, they'll tell us what they are looking for in a college: location, academic selectivity, athletic competitiveness, school setting, enrollment size, intended majors, etc....

NCSA takes the information that the student-athlete provides, as well as their athletic evaluation and academic scores, and compares that to the information that we receive from college coaches about their school and program. The result is a match % (0 - 100). The higher the match % rating, the higher the potential fit based on the criteria above. 

To update and provide NCSA with information about your school and program, please go to the "Recruiting Preferences" tab of your NCSA account. 

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