Request Transcript Features

Tired of sending email after email to recruits, just to request the basics? We’ve made it even easier to see if a student-athlete is a great academic fit for your school with NCSA Request Transcript

Request Transcript Button

Now, with the click of a button, you can request an athlete to upload their transcript. Athletes will receive an email notification with your request within 24 hours. What does this mean for you? Less time reaching out to athletes who might not end up being a great fit, and more time spent focusing on recruits who meet your school’s academic standard.

Filtered Search

Worried about filling up those last-minute roster spots, but don’t have time to request transcripts? Now, you can filter student-athletes by those who have a transcript, and those who don’t.

Upload Date

We know it’s not enough for a student-athlete to have a transcript – it needs to be recent, too. We’ve added an Uploaded Date in our search results, so you can see when an athlete last updated their transcript. 

Academic info moved to top of profile

We’ve moved GPA, test scores, transcript links and upload date higher up on the page so you can find the information you need at a glance. 

What happens when you request a transcript?

Once you click the Request Transcript button, student-athletes will receive an email in their NCSA Message Center within 24 hours. Here’s a sneak peak into what athletes will see in their inbox:

We’ve always encouraged student-athletes to upload their transcripts, and now, it’s more important than ever. We let our athletes know about these new transcript update features – filtered search, last uploaded date, and the request transcript button – to help them stay on track (and hold them accountable!) throughout the recruiting process.

Interested to see these new transcript updates in action? Go search for athletes to see this new feature in action. 

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